2D1N Batam Tour Package (Include Ferry, Hotel, Spa, Lunch)

Sekupang, Batam City, Riau Islands, Indonesia
Tuan Rumah Anda :

Mambang Jalan

Anggota Sejak January 1

Ambil voucher sekarang, gunakan sebelum 13 Jul 2024
Minimum Pembelian  5 voucher(s) 

Jumlah Voucher

SGD 199.00/Voucher

Pay at Host

2D1N Batam Tour Package - Batam Island is famous as a place to relax and get away from the crowd, and as such the island is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Indonesia. You will not find tourist attractions such as historic sites, but you will find a number of resorts, spas, malls, restaurants and cafes. If you are looking for entertainment at night, the nightlife here is very crowded. If you are looking for a place to buy souvenirs, you can shop at various malls in Batam. Let's explore the island of Batam together! Our destinations: 1. Terih Village 2. City of gold 3. Tek Pek Kong 4. Sultan Mosque 5. Layer cake

Fasilitas / Fitur

Local GuideLocal Guide

Fasilitas Keamanan

Fire ExtinguisherFire Extinguisher
First Aid KitFirst Aid Kit
Smoke DetectorSmoke Detector

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